"PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie" is more than just an animated film for children; it's a story of courage, teamwork, and self-discovery. The film was originally released on October 13, and is now available on various streaming platforms, including ROW8, Vudu, Apple TV and Prime Video.
We had the opportunity for a deep dive with Director Cal Brunker and Writer Bob Barlen, and how they brought to life an engaging, heart-warming sequel that resonates with fans new and old. Their insights, coupled with the film's warm reception, paint a picture of a movie that is as much about heart as it is about animated action.
The film continues the adventures of the beloved pups with an added twist of superpowers. At the heart of the movie is Skye, a brave, resilient, and dedicated Cockapoo who grapples with feelings of inadequacy as the smallest member of the team. Voiced by Mckenna Grace, Skye's journey of overcoming her insecurities embodies a powerful message of self-acceptance and the belief that "no pup is too small."
This theme is a cornerstone of the film, providing a strong emotional backbone that highlights the filmmakers' commitment to creating a narrative that is both engaging and relatable. Skye's journey is a tale of overcoming self-doubt, a universal theme that resonates beyond the screen.
The film cleverly combines the charm of the original series with elements of a superhero movie, a creative decision that adds a fresh layer to the franchise. “We were writing a superhero movie, which was really exciting for us to get a chance to dive into with PAW Patrol,” Barlen says. “We talked about some of the expectations of the superhero genre that we wanted to play with, but at the same time, what can we do to turn on its head and make it unexpected?” This innovative approach not only meets but elevates the expectations of the superhero genre, making it a delightful watch for young audiences.
“We wanted to tell Skye's story, so the first thing was to map out a strong emotional backstory for her and to find a theme that was universal for, hopefully, parents and kids alike,” says Brunker. “We thought that that was a great idea to build the film around in terms of servicing what fans came to expect. We were really focused on making sure that if your favorite pup’s, Zuma, he's going to have a moment, or Rubble or Rocky, they're all going to have their moment within the film. But the spine of the story that holds everything together is Skye's arc. And we think that's what ultimately is the emotional journey that our audience is going to go on.”
The casting of the film was another triumph. With talents like Taraji P. Henson as the delightfully wicked Victoria Vance and cameos from Kristen Bell, James Marsden, and Kim Kardashian, the movie benefits from a strong and versatile voice cast. The cast's willingness to experiment and bring their characters to life adds depth and humor to the film, creating a more engaging experience for viewers.
“I think what was maybe the most satisfying part is that everybody on the cast really came in willing to open themselves up to try new things, to experiment with different ways of doing things, to try and really bring the characters to life,” says Brunker.
“We had such an abundance of amazing people,” agrees Barlen. “For me, it's always incredible to see Cal directing them in the booth, and then hearing that character come to life, that's always inspiring to me. It's a really organic process and just fun. I think that's kind of the beauty of PAW Patrol – how can you not have a fun time when you're making a movie like this?”
Critics and audiences alike have praised the film for its wholesome, kid-friendly content and its ability to entertain the entire family. According to Rotten Tomatoes, "PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie will be best enjoyed by its youthful target audience, but it's sweet, thoughtful, and funny enough to entertain the entire family." Similarly, Showbiz Junkies notes the film's strong messages for children, emphasizing teamwork and the courage to believe in oneself.
“It has been absolutely amazing. People all over the world seeing the movie by the millions,” Brunker says. “When you've been working hard for multiple years, hundreds of artists pouring their hearts into this thing, to see the movie embraced worldwide has been really a gift.”
“One of the things that we often hear parents tell us is that this is the first film they've taken their kids to see in the theater, or it's one of their kids' first movies. And that's just so rewarding,” Barlen says. “As lifelong movie fans ourselves, just to hear that we get to be a kid's first movie is really amazing.”
Addressing Real-Life Issues through Animation
Much of the film's success lies not just in the entertaining narrative, but in its ability to inspire and teach valuable life lessons to its young audience.
PAW Patrol explores real-life issues such as making mistakes, learning, and self-discovery in a way that is accessible to children. The stories of Skye and Liberty, for instance, are seen as platforms for parents to discuss topics like late blooming, and individual uniqueness with their children.
“[Liberty] is the one pup who doesn't get powers at the beginning of the film,” says Brunker. “That echoes the journey that we all go through in our lives; ‘What is the special thing that I have to offer to the world?’ At the beginning, she's trying to copy everyone else's superpowers. She's comparing herself to others, and that doesn't get her anywhere. It's not until she kind of discovers her own unique power that she finishes her journey.”
As for Skye, “she does go through that journey of feeling small and then learning that ‘no pup’s too small,’” adds Barlen. “However, she makes mistakes in the movie, which is very true to life. Who among us doesn't make mistakes? Kids can relate and see that she made mistakes, and she corrected her course.”
Looking ahead, the creators hinted at a third PAW Patrol movie, promising to take the series in a new and exciting direction. This forward-looking approach suggests that the PAW Patrol franchise will continue to evolve, bringing new stories and lessons to its young audience.
"PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie" skillfully balances action, humor, and heartfelt messages. Through the insights of Brunker and Barlen, we see a film crafted with an emphasis on character development, universal themes, and a collaborative spirit, making it not just a movie, but an experience that children and parents will cherish.